Monday, December 5, 2011


Warning: LOTS OF PICTURES!!! :) So this Thanksgiving was WONDERFUL!!! My sister Leslie, her husband Gabe and their adorable little baby Kobe came to visit this year. We had A LOT of fun. I miss living close to family. We were able to chat, play games, eat, go bowling, chat and eat some more. Leslie was able to meet Carter for the first time as well. We had our yummy Thanksgiving meal with Jonathan's brother Jared and his beautiful wife Brigitte and her sister Megan (it was the holiday with sisters:). I made my first turkey, which turned out very good--super yummy!!! We had more rolls than we could eat, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing (I made this from scratch and it turned out really yummy). We also had a pumpkin roll and Brigitte made her famous banana cream pie. It was all sooooo yummy!!! We just love spending time with family. So these pictures are all out of order, but that's all right:)

I took the kids to the park and Carter was ready to get down and join in the fun--too bad all he wanted to do was eat the leaves:)

This boy LOVES to swing!!!!

Richmond has a Christmas parade, the sun was pretty bright so this isn't the best picture, but the kids LOVED it!!!
The fun starts when daddy gets home!!!
Rylee and Kobe--this little guy was so full of smiles!!!
Sweet Kobe!!!
Carter--not sure why the sad face:)
Kobe the elf:)
Carter helping mommy with decorations!!!
Gavin and Rylee helping put the ornaments on the tree!!!
Carter and Kobe, they are about 7 months apart. This was the best picture that I could get of the two of them. They look more like brothers than Carter and Gavin:)

The Thanksgiving crew:)
The kids table:)
The table!!!
The food:)
And lots of Carter:)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Family pics

My friend Alicia ( took these wonderful pictures of our family, it had been way too long:) Like usual, I'm not liking myself in any, but the rest of my family looks great:) Enjoy:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Halloween and Rylee's 7th Birthday

I'm a little late getting this post up, but better late than never:) Since Rylee's birthday is the day after Halloween it's always a fun and busy time. For Halloween this year Ry was a mermaid, Gavin was a knight, and Carter was a bumble bee (for the ward party and trunk-or-treat) and he was a monkey for trick-or-treating:) His bumble bee costume was adorable, but huge so he will probably wear it next year as well:) We love our ward party with all the yummy chilies and cornbread. This year our ward out together care packages for some of the troops serving over seas since our Bishop is in the military and had been over there a few times, I believe.
Gavin's preschool had a fun parade with all the kids dressed up in their costumes. It was so fun to go and watch him. He is loving school and his teacher.
Rylee's school also had a halloween party. They were not allowed to dress up, but they still got to eat goodies. They have a rule at the school that parents cannot bring in treats on their child's birthday so I signed up for the Halloween party, close enough. I made these super cute owl cupcakes. Rylee had a pajama party for her birthday. She has been begging to have a sleep over, but I'm just not ready for that so we compromised. We had 5 silly girls come over for pizza, princess cupcakes, and the classic princess movie, Sleeping Beauty (which only Rylee wanted to watch:) The other girls just wanted to play:) Over all I think she had fun and that's all that matters. On Rylee's birthday a friend of mine watched Carter for me and I was able to go to Rylee's school and have lunch with her, I will definitely have to do that more often--she loved it!!! And so did I:) I just can't believe that my baby girl is 7!!! Here is to another wonderful year with our princess!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 months old!!!

I have not been very good at taking pictures so I am going to start now:) I feel like I just posted that Carter turned 9 months, where is time going? My sweet baby is 10 months old!!! He has 4 teeth now, crawls everywhere, and is eating a lot more table food. He even enjoyed his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich today and he LOVED it. It's hard to believe that he is so close to being a year, it has sure gone fast but we are enjoying every minute!!!!!

Rylee is loving school and doing really well. It has been a bit of a change since this year they have tests and get grades, but she is a little smarty pants:) She is currently taking a dance class through our county and is a few months she will start cheerleading:) She is SOOOOO excited!!!

Gavin LOVES his preschool!!! I am so grateful everyday that we found this school and that they had one more spot!!! Gavin has two wonderful teachers, Mrs. Barney and Mrs. Palmer and they are AMAZING!!!! Gavin is also taking a beginning t-ball class right now (it's pretty basic but I thought if he liked it then we could sign him up for the real thing:)

I have been running lately (shocker, I know:)!!! I try and go 4 times a week, so lets hope that I can keep it up:)

Jonathan is awesome!!! He has pretty much finished his research and we are finalizing where we will be heading when he is finished here--YES A JOB!!!! :)

Okay that is way more than I usually write:) Pictures of a cutie? Here you go:)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

airshow, or not!!!

So last Saturday we decided to take the kids to Virginia Beach to see an airshow. We were all so excited, especially Gavin. It is sprinkling here a little bit but Jonathan was sure that they would not cancel it, so off we drove for 2 hours. Yep, it was canceled:) So we went to the beach, mind you it is now pouring!!!! So we all got our umbrellas and headed for the boardwalk. Gavin decided that he would wash off under one of the showers that they have there (fully dressed). We got some yummy, overly priced subway and dairy queen and then headed home. Since Gavin was soaked we stripped him down and gave him a blanket. It wasn't what we had planned but just spending time with our family was a blast!!! I sure do love these silly munchkins:)