Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 months old!!!

I have not been very good at taking pictures so I am going to start now:) I feel like I just posted that Carter turned 9 months, where is time going? My sweet baby is 10 months old!!! He has 4 teeth now, crawls everywhere, and is eating a lot more table food. He even enjoyed his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich today and he LOVED it. It's hard to believe that he is so close to being a year, it has sure gone fast but we are enjoying every minute!!!!!

Rylee is loving school and doing really well. It has been a bit of a change since this year they have tests and get grades, but she is a little smarty pants:) She is currently taking a dance class through our county and is a few months she will start cheerleading:) She is SOOOOO excited!!!

Gavin LOVES his preschool!!! I am so grateful everyday that we found this school and that they had one more spot!!! Gavin has two wonderful teachers, Mrs. Barney and Mrs. Palmer and they are AMAZING!!!! Gavin is also taking a beginning t-ball class right now (it's pretty basic but I thought if he liked it then we could sign him up for the real thing:)

I have been running lately (shocker, I know:)!!! I try and go 4 times a week, so lets hope that I can keep it up:)

Jonathan is awesome!!! He has pretty much finished his research and we are finalizing where we will be heading when he is finished here--YES A JOB!!!! :)

Okay that is way more than I usually write:) Pictures of a cutie? Here you go:)